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Elmiron Lawsuits | Elmiron Lawyers

Elmiron Lawsuits | Vision Loss caused by Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium

Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium) is a drug taken by patients who suffer from interstitial cystitis, “a chronic bladder health issue. It is a feeling of pain and pressure in the bladder area.” 

A 2018 study raised a flag: “patients who had been taking Elmiron for about 15 years had developed unusual changes in their macula, the central part of the retina responsible for delivering clear, crisp, central vison.” The study was conducted by Nieraj Jain and described the issue in detail. “Long-term use of pentosan polysulfate sodium (PPS) is strongly linked to a vision-threatening macular disease characterized by a unique constellation of retinal imaging findings. […] Affected patients commonly experience difficulty reading, prolonged dark adaptation, and in some cases loss of visual acuity.”

The study also warned of the dangers of Maculopathy: “There is no known treatment for PPS maculopathy itself. Affected individuals should consult with their ophthalmologist and PPS prescriber to discuss drug cessation and explore alternative treatments for IC.”

In 2019, data presented at the American Academy of Ophthalmology showed that Elmiron use may be linked to an increased occurrence of macular damage which can lead to slow vision loss and ultimately, blindness.

Peiffer Wolf is committed to making sure that the companies that release harmful drugs onto the market are held accountable for their conduct. If you have been diagnosed with Maculopathy or experienced vision trouble after taking Elmiron regularly, Contact Us immediately by calling 504-523-2434 or by filling out an online Contact Form for a FREE Consultation.

Inadequate Warnings | Elmiron Lawsuits

Elmiron is manufactured by Janssen Pharmaceuticals, a division of Johnson & Johnson. Despite the studies, no warnings for Maculopathy, visual changes, or other eye conditions have been listed on prescribing information for Elmiron.

It’s unfortunate,” said Dr. Vora. “You have a patient with a chronic condition like interstitial cystitis, for which there is no cure and no effective treatment. They get put on these medications because it’s thought to have few side effects and few risks, and no one thinks about it again. And year after year, the number of pills they’re taking goes up and up.

Patients with interstitial cystitis who have taken Elmiron regularly and who have been diagnosed with maculopathy or other vision-related problems should contact Peiffer Wolf for a Free Consultation.

Peiffer Wolf is committed to making sure that the companies that release harmful drugs onto the market are held accountable for their conduct. If you have been diagnosed with Maculopathy or experienced vision trouble after taking Elmiron regularly, Contact Us immediately by calling 504-523-2434 or by filling out an online Contact Form for a FREE Consultation.

Elmiron and Blindness

Recent studies have found that patients who use Elmiron can develop Maculopathy, an eye disorder that can lead to blindness. Some evidence suggests that even when patients discontinue the use of Elmiron, vision may continue to get worse.

If you or a loved one have been taking/have taken Elmiron regularly to treat interstitial cystitis and notices vision changes should consult a doctor. Possible side-effects of Elmiron include (but are not limited to):

  • Maculopathy
  • Partial or Full Blindness
  • Night Blindness
  • Blurred vision
  • Dim vision
  • Dark spots
  • Spot of vision loss in the field of vision
  • Difficulty reading
  • Difficulty to see in darkness/Problems adjusting to darkness
  • Difficulty of seeing close objects

If you have been diagnosed with any of the side effects listed above, you may deserve compensation.

Peiffer Wolf Carr Kane & Conway has represented thousands of clients from across the United States in cases related to pharmaceutical products and medical devices. If you have regularly taken Elmiron and were diagnosed with Maculopathy, you should Contact Us Today by calling 504-523-2434 or by filling out an online Contact Form for a FREE Consultation.

Elmiron Lawsuits | FREE Consultation

Peiffer Wolf Carr Kane & Conway has represented thousands of clients from across the United States in cases related to pharmaceutical products and medical devices. If you have regularly taken Elmiron and were diagnosed with Maculopathy, Contact Us Today by calling 504-523-2434 or by filling out an online Contact Form for a FREE Consultation.


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