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Heavy Metal Baby Food Questionnaire

Heavy Metal Baby Food Questionnaire

Please answer all questions to the best of your ability. If you have more than one child, please complete a separate questionnaire for each child.

"*" indicates required fields

Client/Legal Guardian's Information

Your Name*
Child's Name*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Child's sex assigned at birth*

Additional Information

Do you have paper photographs of Child from birth to present?
Do you have photographs or videos of Child from birth to present stored on any physical storage device (such as a smartphone, digital camera, DVD, computer, or external hard drive)?
If you have photographs or videos of Child from birth to present stored on any digital, electronic, web-based, or cloud-based accounts- have these accounts been “backed-up” to preserve such photos and videos?
Do you have any baby food products left over in your possession?*
Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY

Baby Food Products

Plum Organics

Did the child ever consume any Plum Organics products?*

Below please identify any Plum Organics (Baby Food/Mighty/Mashups/Jammy Sammy, etc.) products, or similar products, you believe Child ever consumed:

Please note that the below products and pictures are provided as examples . Packaging and flavor selections may have changed throughout the years and you may have purchased Plum products not identified below. If you believe Child ever consumed any of these products, or other similar products from Plum, please identify these products below by clicking on the selections that apply.

Organic Pouches (JustPeaches, Mighty Protein &Fiber, etc.)

Did the child EVER consume any Plum Organics food pouch products?*

Little Teethers Wafers(Banana with Pumpkin,Blueberry, etc.)

Did the child EVER consume any Plum Organics Little Teethers Wafers?*

Super Puffs (Apple withSpinach, Strawberry andBeet, etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Plum Organics Super Puffs Snacks?*

Food Bars (Jammy Sammy,Mighty Snack Bars, etc.)    
Did the child EVER consume any Plum Organics Food Bars products?*

Applesauce Mashups (withBlueberry & Carrot,Strawberry & Beet, etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Plum Organics applesauce products?*

Teensy Soft Fruit Snacks(Peach, Berry, etc.)    
Did the child EVER consume any Plum Organics Teensy soft fruit snacks?*

Did the child consume other products not listed above from Plum Organics?*

HappyFamily (HappyBaby) Brand of Products

Did the child ever consume any HappyFamily (HappyBABY, HappyTOT, HappyKID) products?*

Below please identify any HappyFAMILY (HappyBABY, HappyTOT, HappyKID, etc.), products, or similar products, you believe Child ever consumed:


Please note that the below products and pictures are provided as examples . Packaging and flavor selections may have changed throughout the years and you may have purchased HappyFAMILY (HappyBABY, HappyTOT, HappyKIT) products not identified below. If you believe Child ever consumed any of these products, or other similar products from HappyFAMILY (HappyBABY, HappyTOT, HappyKID , etc. ), please identify these products below by clicking on the selections that apply.

Baby Formula (HappyBABYStage 1, Stage 1 SensitiveFormula, etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume HappyBABY Formula?*

Baby Food Jars (HappyBABYApples & Spinach, Carrots,etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume HappyBABY Food Jars?*

Snackers, teethers,waffle/muffin mix, greekyogis, creamies, etc.(HappyBABY)  
Did the child EVER consume HappyBABY snackers, teethers,waffle/muffin mix, greek yogis, creamies, etc.?*

Food Pouches (Super Foods,Fiber & Protein,HappyBABY, HappyTOT,HappyKID)  
Did the child EVER consumeHappyBABY/HappyTOT/HappyKID Food Pouches?*

Food Bars(HappyKID/HappyTOT)  
Did the child EVER consume HappyKID/HappyTOT food bars,Etc.?*

Superfood Puffs(HappyBABY)  
Did the child EVER consume HappyBABY Superfood Puffs?*

Oatmeal/Mac andCheese Bowls(HappyTOT)  
Did the child EVER consume HappyTOTOatmeal bowls, Etc.?*

Oatmeal BabyCereal(HappyBABY)  
Did the child EVER consume OatmealBaby Cereal?*

ABC Multi-grain Cookies  
Did the child EVER consume ABC Multi-grain Cookies?*

Did the child consume other products not listed above from HappyFamily (HappyBABY/HappyTOT/HappyKID)?*

Beech-Nut Brand of Products

Did the child ever consume any Beech-Nut products?*

Below please identify any Beech-Nut products, or similar products, you believe Child ever consumed:


Please note that the below products and pictures are provided as examples . Packaging and flavor selections may have changed throughout the years and you may have purchased Beech-Nut products not identified below. If you believe Child ever consumed any of these products, or other similar products from Beech-Nut , please identify these products below by clicking on the selections that apply.

Naturals food jars (Classics/Naturals/Organics)  
Did the child EVER consume any Beech-Nut food jar products?*

Naturals food pouches (fruities, veggies, etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Beech-Nut food pouch products?*

Oatmeal or Rice Baby Cereals  
Did the child EVER consume any Beech-Nut Oatmeal or Rice Baby Cereals?*

Naturals Oatmeal or Fruit/Veggie bars  
Did the child EVER consume any Beech-Nut Oatmeal or Fruit/Veggie bars?*

Naturals fruit & veggie/yogurt melties  
Did the child EVER consume any Beech-Nut fruit & veggie/yogurt melties?*

Naturals baked cheese/veggie chips  
Did the child EVER consume any Beech-Nut baked cheese/veggie chips?*

Did the child consume other products not listed above from Beech-Nut?*

Sprout Organic Baby Food Products

Did the child ever consume any Sprouts FOOD products?*

Below please identify any Sprout Organic Foods, or similar products, you believe Child ever consumed:

Please note that the below products and pictures are provided as examples . Packaging and flavor selections may have changed throughout the years and you may have purchased Sprout Organic Foods products not identified below. If you believe Child ever consumed any of these products, or other similar products from Sprout Organic Foods , please identify these products below by clicking on the selections that apply.

Any food pouch products (Protein, Fruit&Veggie Blends,Smoothies, etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Sprout Organic Foods food pouches?*

Any Toddler Meals (Baby Burrito Bowls, Butternut Mac &Cheese, etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Sprout Organic Foods Toddler Meals?*

Plant Power Puffs (Apple Kale Power Puffs, Carrot PeachMango Plant, etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Sprout Organic Foods Power Puffs products?*

Any Toddler Snacks (Crinkles, Curlz, Crispy Chewz, Wafflez,etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Sprout Organic Foods Toddler Snacks?*

Did the child consume other products not listed above from Sprout Organic Foods?*

Parent's Choice (Walmart) Baby Food Products

Below please identify any Parent's Choice, or similar products, you believe Child ever consumed:


Please note that the below products and pictures are provided as examples . Packaging and flavor selections may have changed throughout the years and you may have purchased Parent's Choice products not identified below. If you believe Child ever consumed any of these products, or other similar products from Parent's Choice , please identify these products below by clicking on the selections that apply.

Baby Food Jars and Plastic Containers (Banana, Pear, etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Parent’s Choice food jars or plastic packaged products?*

Food Pouches (Organic Pear, Mango, Brow Rice, Macaroniand Cheese, etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Parent’s Choice food pouch products?*

Puffed Grain Snacks (Banana, Blueberry, Strawberry, etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Parent’s Choice puffed grain snacks?*

Rice Rusks (Apple, Banana, Strawberry, etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Parent’s Choice rice rusk products?*

Soy-Based Infant Baby Formula (Tender, CompleteComfort, etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Parent’s Choice infant formula products?*

Yogurt Bites (Banana, Cherry Vanilla, Peach, etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Parent’s Choice yogurt bites products?*
Did the child consume other products not listed above from Parent's Choice?*

Earth's Best Organic Food Products

Did the child ever consume any Earth's Best FOOD products?*

Below please identify any Earth's Best, or similar products, you believe Child ever consumed:


Please note that the below products and pictures are provided as examples . Packaging and flavor selections may have changed throughout the years and you may have purchased Earth's Best products not identified below. If you believe Child ever consumed any of these products, or other similar products from Earth's Best , please identify these products below by clicking on the selections that apply.

Food Jars (Carrots, Turkey Broth, Sweet Potato & Chicken,etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Earth's Best food jar products?*

Food Pouches (Protein Puree, Banana Puree, ChickenCasserole, etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Earth's Best food pouch products?*

Soy-Based Infant Baby Formula (Organic Dairy,Plat Based, etc.)

Did the child EVER consume any Earth's Best infant baby formula products?*

Infant Cereals (Oatmeal, Rice, Milti-Grain, etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Earth's Best cereal products?*

Grain-Based Snacks (Bars, Graham Crackers, PeanutButter Puffs, etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Earth's Best grain-based snacks?*

Frozen Entrees and Meals (Baked Popcorn ChickenNuggets, Chicken Fries, Veggie Medley Nuggets, MeatlessChik'n Nuggets, Broccoli & Cheese Nuggets, etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Earth's Best frozen entrees?*

Fruit Yogurt Smoothies (Strawberry Banana, Pear Mango,etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Earth's Best fruit yogurt products?*

Electrolyte Solution (Apple Orange, Grape, etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Earth's Best electrolyte products?*

Did the child consume other products not listed above from Earth's Best?*

Gerber Food Products

Did the child ever consume any Gerber FOOD products?*

Below please identify any Gerber, or similar products, you believe Child ever consumed:


Please note that the below products and pictures are provided as examples . Packaging and flavor selections may have changed throughout the years and you may have purchased Gerber products not identified below. If you believe Child ever consumed any of these products, or other similar products from Gerber , please identify these products below by clicking on the selections that apply.

Baby Formula (Good Start, AN Pro, Soy based, etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Gerber Baby Formula products?*

Food Jars and Tubs (Apple Strawberry Banana, Pea,Garden Veggies & Rice, etc.))  
Did the child EVER consume any Gerber food jars or tub products?*

Food pouches (Organic Veggie Power, Natural, Fruit &Yogurt, etc)  
Did the child EVER consume any Gerber food pouch products?*

Single Grain and Multi-Grain Cereals (Rice, Oatmeal &Barley Apple Cinnamon, Organic Oatmeal, etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Gerber cereal products?*

Puffs Snacks (Sweet Potato, Strawberry Apple, Banana,Puffs to Go, etc.)

Did the child EVER consume any Gerber Puff Snacks?*

Biscuits and Cookies (Arrowroot Biscuits, Organic HoneyBiscuits, etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Gerber biscuits or cookie products?*

Grain Bars (Strawberry Banana, Organic Banana MangoPineapple, etc.)  
Did the child EVER consume any Gerber Grain Bars?*

Did the child consume other products not listed above from Gerber Foods?*

Information on How Baby Food was Obtained

How did you purchase the Baby Food listed above that the Child consumed? (select all that apply)*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.