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Ovation Fertility Failed Embryo Transfer Investigation

Peiffer Wolf is currently investigating Ovation Fertility in Newport Beach, CA, after embryos were allegedly damaged by hydrogen peroxide due to an incubator malfunction. If you have been informed by Ovation Fertility of a failed embryo transfer, please Contact Peiffer Wolf for a FREE Consultation by filling out our simple online Contact Form or by calling 415-766-3545.

We have represented clients who have been in a situation similar to yours; our attorneys know how important it is for families to count on a compassionate team, so we create a safe space for everyone to share their story, where we can communicate with you with the utmost care and transparency. Standing by our clients, we’ve been able to provide a platform for other families to step forward and tell their stories. Moreover, we’ve been able to provide a pathway to recovery for their losses.

Ovation Fertility Failed Embryo Transfer | What Happened

In a period of two weeks (late January, early February, 2024), embryos were allegedly damaged by hydrogen peroxide due to an incubator malfunction at Ovation Fertility, resulting in several failed embryo transfers.

Ovation Fertility has started informing patients about the failed transfers. The Fertility Clinic has allegedly only offered reimbursement for the costs of the procedure, not considering the impact this has had on their patients’ lives.

Peiffer Wolf Partner Adam Wolf, one of the leading attorneys representing families in Fertility cases, has said, “Families have entrusted their most valuable property in the entire world – their embryos – to these facilities and clinics.” Unfortunately, Ovation Fertility’s patients are now faced with the devastating news that their embryo transfer has failed.

Ovation Fertility Failed Embryo Transfer | Do I have a Claim

If you have been informed by Ovation Fertility of a failed embryo transfer, you may have a claim.

Peiffer Wolf is a national law firm recognized for representing victims of fertility clinic misconduct, including the destruction or loss of eggs and embryos, and failed embryo transfers. Please Contact us for a FREE Consultation by filling out our online Contact Form or by calling 415-766-3545.

Fertility Industry | Key Information

  • The $2.1 billion fertility center industry in the United States is big business.
  • More than one out of 10 women end up seeking out fertility-related services from the 480 U.S. clinics, resulting in 69,000 live births a year – nearly 2 percent of all children born annually.
  • In the absence of meaningful state and regulatory oversight of the fertility center world, it would be comforting to think that a system of industry self-regulation would work as a substitute. But the self-regulation that exists today is weak and full of holes.
  • The Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority oversees nearly every aspect of 69,000 fertility procedures a year at 131 licensed clinics in the United Kingdom. The key elements of the work of the Authority are as follows: (1) clinics must apply for a license from the Authority to operate; (2) licenses are granted for up to four years at a time; (3) inspections are carried out periodically and can be done on a surprise basis; (4) inspections can result in recommended changes to clinic practices and even outright license revocation; (5) the Authority sets standards for clinics to ensure high quality care; (6) it provides guidance to clinics and research centers on how to meet all legal requirements. The HFEA’s actions are highly transparent, including the online publication of the outcomes of all clinic inspections. It also provides the public with information about IVF and other procedures.

FREE CONSULTATION | 415-766-3545

If you have been informed by Ovation Fertility of a failed embryo transfer, you may have a claim. Peiffer Wolf is a national law firm recognized for representing victims of fertility clinic misconduct, including the destruction or loss of eggs and embryos, and failed embryo transfers. Please Contact us for a FREE Consultation by filling out our online Contact Form or by calling 415-766-3545.


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Yes. Please call us or use our contact form to request a Free Case Evaluation. We have a national team of attorneys and staff who look forward to speaking with you.

Typically, we represent clients on contingency fee agreements. If we take your case under a contingency fee arrangement, you won’t owe our firm any legal fees unless we are able to recover money for you.

Our contingency fee agreements are usually based on a percentage of the amount we recover for our clients. The contingency fee amount is determined by the type of case, our estimate of how long it will take to resolve your case, and our estimate of the litigation costs we will advance in your case. Each engagement agreement includes the details of the fee arrangement. Questions about our fee agreements are welcomed and encouraged.

In most litigation matters, it is extremely difficult – practically impossible – to predict how long it will take to resolve a particular case. Every case is different, and we will do our best to provide you with an estimate based on your case and our experience with similar cases. Moreover, we will do our best to keep you updated and manage expectations along the way.