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Tepezza and Horizon Therapeutics Hearing Loss Lawsuits

Tepezza and Horizon Therapeutics Hearing Loss Lawsuits

Tepezza (Teprotumumab) is a medication manufactured by Horizon Pharmaceuticals Inc. (a wholly owned subsidiary of Horizon Therapeutics PLC) for the treatment of thyroid eye disease (TED). It has been linked to permanent hearing loss, partial hearing loss, and/or tinnitus (ringing of the ears) in recent scientific studies.

Although Tepezza’s impact on hearing was known during clinical trials, inadequate warnings were provided for consumers and the medical community. Now, Peiffer Wolf is representing impactced individuals for Horizon Pharmaceuticals’ failure to properly warn of potential hearing loss side effects. 

If you or a loved one has experienced hearing loss, tinnitus or related symptoms after using Tepezza, you should contact Peiffer Wolf immediately for a FREE Consultation by filling out an Online Contact Form or by calling 504-523-2434.

TED or Hearing Problems

Research studies have demonstrated that hearing impairment and other life-altering symptoms are experienced at a much higher rate than other symptoms as a result of Tepezza use.

In one study of 26 qualifying patients, 6 patients reported subjective hearing loss, 7 reported new tinnitus, 6 reported an ear plugging sensation or muffled hearing, and 3 reported autophony. Investigators noted that the development of symptoms occurred after an average of 3.6 infusions.

Some of the hearing impairments reported during clinical trials included:

  • Deafness: Deafness is defined as a partial or complete loss of hearing. Depending on the severity of the hearing loss, deafness can range from mild to profound. People who are deaf may use a variety of communication methods, including sign language, lip reading, and written language.
  • Eustachian tube dysfunction: The Eustachian tube is a small passageway that connects the middle ear to the back of the throat and serves to equalize pressure in the middle ear and drain fluid from the ear. Eustachian tube dysfunction is when the tube is not able to open and close properly. This can lead to a feeling of fullness or pressure in the ear, pain, tinnitus, and hearing loss.
  • Hyperacusis: Hyperacusis is a hearing disorder that makes it difficult for people to tolerate everyday sounds. Hyperacusis can be caused by damage to the inner ear or by problems with the auditory nerve. In some cases, people with hyperacusis may also experience tinnitus, or ringing in the ears.
  • Hypoacusis: Hypoacusis, also known as partial deafness, is a condition in which a person has difficulty hearing certain sounds. Symptoms of hypoacusis may include difficulty hearing conversation or television, ringing in the ears, or feeling like one’s ears are “full.”
  • Autophony: Autophony is the experience of hearing one’s own voice differently from how other people hear it. This can include hearing your voice echoing, sounding muffled, or being louder than usual. In some cases, autophony may be experienced as a symptom of tinnitus.

Why File a Tepezza Lawsuit?

As of January 2023, at least 10 Tepezza lawsuits have been filed by individuals, each claiming Horizon Pharmaceuticals aggressively marketed the drug for the treatment of thyroid eye disease while failing to disclose the risks of permanent hearing loss and other hearing injuries.

Consumers who have taken Tepezza were looking for a solution for their TED, but up to 65% of them ended up experiencing hearing impairment and/or other life-altering otologic problems. Initial studies found that hearing related side effects only impacted around 10% of those who received Tepezza dosages. 

Peiffer Wolf has represented thousands of clients from across the United States in cases related to pharmaceutical products and medical devices. In situations like these, victims may also be entitled to compensation stemming from: (H3)

  • High medical bills
  • Mental health pains
  • Loss of income
  • Permanent disability
  • Other damages

Get the assistance you deserve today with a FREE Consultation or by calling 504-523-2434.


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