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Zantac Lawsuits | Zantac Lawyers

Zantac Lawsuits: Carcinogen Prompts Recall

ALERT: April 1, 2020 – “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced it is requesting manufacturers withdraw all prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) ranitidine (Zantac) drugs from the market immediately.”

Since the 1980s, ranitidine (brand name: Zantac) has been associated with NDMA. While Zantac is not contaminated with NDMA, it contains nitrite (N) and dimethylamine (DMA). Combined, they form the carcinogen NDMA.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was notified in June of 2019 that routine testing done in Valisure’s labs had linked Zantac to N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA).  FDA’s own testing found unacceptable levels of NDMA in Zantac.

“The results [of several case–control studies and one cohort study] are supportive of the assumption that NDMA consumption is positively associated with either gastric or colorectal cancer.” (World Health Organization)

On April 1, 2020, the FDA issued a recall on Zantac. In addition to NDMA concerns, “the agency has determined that the impurity in some ranitidine products increases over time and when stored at higher than room temperatures may result in consumer exposure to unacceptable levels of this impurity.”

If you have been diagnosed with cancer after taking Zantac regularly, please contact us immediately by calling 504-523-2434 or filling out an online Contact Form for a FREE Consultation.

Unacceptable levels of carcinogens in Zantac | Zantac Lawsuits

Online pharmacy Valisure notified the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in June 2019 that routine testing done in their labs had linked Zantac to a carcinogen chemical (a substance or agent causing cancer) called N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). Following the notification and a petition for recall filed by Valisure, FDA’s own testing found unacceptable levels of NDMA in Zantac.

In September 2019, CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid and Wal Mart suspended the sales of Zantac/Ranitidine products in the US. The next month, the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center removed Zantac from the list of drugs that it offered to patients. In October, Sanofi finally announced a recall in the US.

In April 2020, the FDA “announced it is requesting manufacturers withdraw all prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) ranitidine drugs from the market immediately. This is the latest step in an ongoing investigation of a contaminant known as N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in ranitidine medications (commonly known by the brand name Zantac).”

If you have regularly taken Zantac and were diagnosed with cancer, you should Contact Us Today by calling 504-523-2434 or by filling out an online Contact Form for a FREE Consultation.

Zantac and Cancer

Ranitidine (brand name: Zantac) is known to form NDMA for decades. However, only after an independent online pharmacy lab tested Zantac in 2019 and warned the FDA about what even the agency called “unacceptable” levels of the carcinogen linked to the drug, the manufacturer issued a recall.

Possible side-effects include:

  • Bladder cancer
  • Colon and rectal cancer
  • Esophageal cancer
  • Intestinal cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Liver cancer
  • Lung cancer (non-smokers)
  • and more

Peiffer Wolf Carr Kane & Conway has represented thousands of clients from across the United States in cases related to pharmaceutical products and medical devices. If you have regularly taken Zantac and were diagnosed with cancer, you should Contact Us Today by calling 504-523-2434 or by filling out an online Contact Form for a FREE Consultation.

Zantac Lawsuits | FREE Consultation

Peiffer Wolf Carr Kane & Conway has represented thousands of clients from across the United States in cases related to pharmaceutical products and medical devices. If you have regularly taken Zantac and were diagnosed with cancer, Contact Us Today by calling 504-523-2434 or by filling out an online Contact Form for a FREE Consultation.


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